
This Site is for essays on The New Pulp Heroes. It’s about time we catalog new characters appearing in books and anthologies. Since I do not have time to read everything being published, I will offer space here for legitimate creators of new pulp characters to send me their data, and I will post their essays. It is not my place to say what is, or what is not a new pulp hero, and the only changes I will make to essays will be editing and format. If you wish, include a jpeg of a book cover or b&w illustration if you have permission from the artist. By sending me your essays, you are giving me permission to promote and showcase this data. Essays should be up to 500 words, and include information on MC and back up characters, creator, title of books, and where the stories can be found. A paperback edition is now available for $12.00, plus $3.99 postage (US). The book will only be sold through us: Tom Johnson, 204 W. Custer St., Seymour, TX 76380. Send questions or data to fadingshadows40@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Night Star

Night Star

Creator: Steve Mitchell
Liana, Countess Silenti
Walter Aue
Tom DeLuca
Wilhelmina ‘Billie’ Dearing
Lyman Warker
Melvin Olsen
Detective Lt. Paul Ray
Detective Neal Quinn
Lt. Thurman Wakelee Smith
Rick Everhart
John Hampton
Odessa Armstrong
Morris Lyon

            The Night Star: A gray shape moved in the shadows. A figure clothed in gray cape and hood, the face hidden by shadows. Seen more clearly, she wore a long, loose-skirted gray dress beneath the cloak, a holster was sewn into the left side of the cloak and an automatic pistol rested smoothly within. A domino mask completed the ensemble. A weird mocking laugh penetrated the room, sending men of evil into abject fear. “A misty gray cloud seemed to settle over her form and she disappeared from sight – she had become invisible. An icy trill of laughter was all that revealed her presence. This was the power of Genurah, one of the many powers she had conquered.
            Liana, Countess Silenti is a beautiful woman of medium height and slender build with long blonde hair that fell below her shoulders. Blue-gray eyes sparkled above a wide mouth with a firm, straight line. She was perhaps thirty, maybe less. Her maiden name was Masters before she married the Italian Count, and when he was murdered she returned to America, a Countess, and very rich.
            Walter Aue works in a hidden room, monitoring the phone, receiving messages from agents, and passing orders to them as well. He is always on duty. He is Night Star’s communications network.
            Wilhelmina ‘Billie’ Dearing has brown hair and hazel eyes, and is a reporter. She is also an agent of Night Star.
            Melvin Olsen is rugged, tall and solidly built. Two automatic pistols were concealed beneath his jacket. He drives the Night Star on her missions against the underworld and spies.
            Tom DeLuca is middle height, sturdy built, with a dark complexion. A retired cop now runs a private detective agency. He is also an agent of Night Star.
            Lieutenant of detectives Paul Ray is a dedicated cop,
            Detective Neal Quinn works for Paul Ray.
            Lt. Thurman Wakelee Smith works in another division.
John Hampton served during the war, and is now a chemical engineer. His partner and many friends are killed in an act of sabotage at his plant, and he becomes involved in tracking down the killers and crosses path with the Night Star and her agents. At the end of the story he becomes an agent.
Rick Everhart is Night Star’s pilot and agent. He is tall, lanky, with swept back straw-blonde hair.
Odessa Armstrong is Countess Silenti’s house servant. He is 60 years old.
Morris Lyon is the chauffeur of the Countess.
            This is the best Shadow clone I think I’ve ever read, and a female plays the role. There has only been one story featuring this fantastic character. A novel serialized in three parts.
The Flesh Destroyer DOUBLE DANGER TALES #33, 34 & 35

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