
This Site is for essays on The New Pulp Heroes. It’s about time we catalog new characters appearing in books and anthologies. Since I do not have time to read everything being published, I will offer space here for legitimate creators of new pulp characters to send me their data, and I will post their essays. It is not my place to say what is, or what is not a new pulp hero, and the only changes I will make to essays will be editing and format. If you wish, include a jpeg of a book cover or b&w illustration if you have permission from the artist. By sending me your essays, you are giving me permission to promote and showcase this data. Essays should be up to 500 words, and include information on MC and back up characters, creator, title of books, and where the stories can be found. A paperback edition is now available for $12.00, plus $3.99 postage (US). The book will only be sold through us: Tom Johnson, 204 W. Custer St., Seymour, TX 76380. Send questions or data to fadingshadows40@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Madame 13

Madame 13

Creator: Steve Mitchell
Valerie Fleming Stanton
Michael Stanton
Douglas Stanton
Roy Hunter (DA)
Dr. Maxwell Mattson (City M.E.)
Police Lt. George Schoeneberg

         In 1933, just eight days after their honeymoon, Michael and Valerie Stanton are flying back to Rain City, where he works as Assistant D.A. He was anxious to get back to work on his investigation of mobster, Thomas Creel. But the plane explodes in flight, and of the 13 people aboard, only Valerie Stanton survives; given her life back by a mysterious woman named Megaera.
         Megaera not only gave her new life, but new strength and speed, and she decides to go after the mobster, Thomas Creek and bring true justice to the killer of those 12 victims of the plane crash. Using the alias of Jane Smith at first, at the end of the first story, she takes the identity of Madame 13, joining the ranks of the super heroes.
Nemesis In Black DOUBLE DANGER TALES #11
Legacy of Fury DOUBLE DANGER TATLES #29 *
(* Like most of the heroes during the 1930s and ‘40s, Valerie Stanton died in 1945 after a fierce gun battle with spies and Japanese who had infiltrated America.  Now in this modern day, a new woman rises to take the name. Emma Stephens is grabbed by muggers planning on raping her, and drag her into the cemetery, unaware that the original Madame 13 is buried in one the crypts. When Emma breaks lose and tries to escape she accidentally crashes into the crypt, smearing blood across Valerie’s name. As the muggers catch up to Emma once more, she sees the vision of Valerie and another woman – perhaps Megaera – and they tell her to live and fight, and she finds new strength and skills within her.)

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