
This Site is for essays on The New Pulp Heroes. It’s about time we catalog new characters appearing in books and anthologies. Since I do not have time to read everything being published, I will offer space here for legitimate creators of new pulp characters to send me their data, and I will post their essays. It is not my place to say what is, or what is not a new pulp hero, and the only changes I will make to essays will be editing and format. If you wish, include a jpeg of a book cover or b&w illustration if you have permission from the artist. By sending me your essays, you are giving me permission to promote and showcase this data. Essays should be up to 500 words, and include information on MC and back up characters, creator, title of books, and where the stories can be found. A paperback edition is now available for $12.00, plus $3.99 postage (US). The book will only be sold through us: Tom Johnson, 204 W. Custer St., Seymour, TX 76380. Send questions or data to fadingshadows40@gmail.com

Showing posts with label SLF Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SLF Entertainment. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Cliff Lords


Creator: SLF Entertainment* (*Sharda Ferrell)
Dallas Wise (Elder Lord)
Raren Lords
Biko West
Damarion Grove (Damar The Dice)
Redaisha Knight (Red Knight)
Jetson Padron (Padron)
Africa Evans (African Diamond)
Che’la Bureau (Queen Che’la Bu)

Red Knight: She was dressed in a dark red bodysuit. Her red boots made her legs appear longer. She wore spike heels. Red could change moods and kill on sight.
Damarion (Damar The Dice) could turn his pocket knife into multiple knives. He was a silent killer, slicing and dicing.
Jetson (Padron) could blow up the enemy. He kept our timing right and could set a bomb off.
Queen Che’la Bu was our eyes.
Africa (African Diamond) was our ears.
Biko’s produces a protective sphere for their safety.
Dallas Wise has the magic of invisibility

Head Lords are powerful. They keep us safe. They govern us all.
Armor Lords are protectors of the world. They live outside the Earth.
Raren Lords are the battle ready fighters, each with their own super abilities.
            There has only been one novelette so far, and this one introduces the main characters.

“Cliff Lords: Weapons of Disaster” (Feb 8, 2019) Independent Publishing Platform.