
This Site is for essays on The New Pulp Heroes. It’s about time we catalog new characters appearing in books and anthologies. Since I do not have time to read everything being published, I will offer space here for legitimate creators of new pulp characters to send me their data, and I will post their essays. It is not my place to say what is, or what is not a new pulp hero, and the only changes I will make to essays will be editing and format. If you wish, include a jpeg of a book cover or b&w illustration if you have permission from the artist. By sending me your essays, you are giving me permission to promote and showcase this data. Essays should be up to 500 words, and include information on MC and back up characters, creator, title of books, and where the stories can be found. A paperback edition is now available for $12.00, plus $3.99 postage (US). The book will only be sold through us: Tom Johnson, 204 W. Custer St., Seymour, TX 76380. Send questions or data to fadingshadows40@gmail.com

Tuesday, December 31, 2013



Creator: Wayne Greenough
Roger Blake
Pete (Bartender)
Smithy (Blacksmith)
Sebastian Jones (Newspaper Owner)
Doc Dakota
The Waddy Bushwhackers
Captain Crawford (Rangers)
Jack Dugay

         “He who looks upon her true beauty shall forever be enslaved.”

The lawless town of Dead’s Man’s Town is ruled over by Jack Dugay, a bull-shaped, bloodshot black eyes and bushy eyebrows of an hombre. He face was covered with a black beard showing gray streaks, and he was fast on the draw, and had killed many men in gunfights.
         Fighting Dugay and his outlaws is a beautiful woman wearing a black domino mask. Only called Mask, she has short wavy black hair well combed and soft. She wears a long sleeved red shirt, and has green eyes that flash fire. She wears a pair of .44s on her hips, and is lightening fast on the draw with both hands. She is also the saloon singer known as Missouri. Her voice is sensuous and low, melodic.
         Wrangler is Mask’s cook, livestock handler, crop raiser, bullet maker, and sometimes sawbones when needed. He has white, unkempt hair, and dressed in leather shirt and homespun trousers. Wrangler is shy of six foot by a couple of inches, and light of weight. He is also lighting fast with a gun. He raised the young girl who would become Mask after her parents were killed by Jack Dugay.
         Roger Blake had been an outlaw and gunslinger before joining the Rangers. Captain Crawford assigned him to bring law and order to Dead Man’s Town, and bring in the notorious Mask, dead or alive. But was he fast enough to take her, and did he really want to?
         Tex rides tall in the saddle. He has black eyes.
         There has only been one story so far, but another is being written.

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